Vickki-Ann Samuel, MD Psychiatrist 18425 NW 2nd Ave Suite 404B, Miami, FL 33169
Vickki-Ann Samuel, MD Psychiatrist 18425 NW 2nd Ave Suite 404B, Miami, FL 33169
Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality. It consists of delusions, hallucinations, and/or paranoia. Episodes can be brief precipitated by interpersonal stressors or chronic. These symptoms can be relieved with the aid of psychotherapy and psychotropic medications.
Schizophrenia symptoms include distorted thoughts, hallucinations, and feelings of fright and paranoia. These symptoms can be relieved with the aid of psychotropic medications.
Reflections of Mental Health Inc.
18425 NW 2nd Ave Suite 404B, Miami Gardens, FL 33169, us
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